Saturday, October 31, 2015


Tears fell from my eyes involuntary. Trying to compose myself before I looked over at a friend sitting next to me. Thank God we were in a dark theater. I was not expecting to cry at the credits of PAN. It just kind of happened. Seeing the African Children's Choir name up on the big screen filled me with great pride. Call me emotional but I may have teared up when I saw choir 40 dancing the "can" song in the middle of the movie, singing with them quietly to myself. 
I am so proud to be a part of the African Children's Choir. It was such an honor to be used by this non profit organization. I am not the same person since. Traveling with 18 gifted kids, full of hope and dreaming of the future.
 It feels as if I was just on tour, when in reality it's been 9 months. Time has passed by so fast. Not a day goes by that I don't think and pray for my kids and the chaperones I call family. 
Mistakes were made, I made quite a few but I learned so much from this once in a life time experience. Touring reminds me that God is so faithful. I am sitting at the Woodford tube station as I write this. Remembering all the times he provided things for us when it seemed impossible. When we had nothing one minute and than we had more than enough the next minute. 
Going to see PAN last night with a fellow auntie from my choir was a true blessing. 
Thank you Auntie Lisa for thinking of it.


Representing choir 41! And job well done choir 40!!!

Wait a minute... Let me take a selfie! Lol 
At the theater. 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Few of my favorite things

Closing my eyes I listened to the sounds around me. Surrounded by the chatter of different languages, laughter of the family sitting next to me, and city life. I could feel the suns warmth on my head and back. I opened my eyes and gaze at the most beautiful building I have ever seen. The detail and structure keeps me coming back. Bright gold covers this building and it sparkles in the sunlight. Statues carved inbetween the windows, green traces the clock of the tower. Big Ben and Parliment is my favorite place of all London. I like to find a place in the square next to Big Ben and stare at him. It never gets old. I love when the bells chime and inform people of the time. Coffee in hand, I took another sip. Pure bliss. 
I sat there thinking about all the times I promised myself I would do this when I was a little girl. How many hours I dreamt of this very thing. Living in England, exploring London. I can now help give people directions, and they are correct and helpful! I couldn't even do that in Molalla (which is sad since I lived there my whole life lol). As I stood up from my spot on a curb by some shrubberies I decide to walk to Buckingham Palace. London is lovely in the fall. The trees are changing all different colors and yes, I do run through the leaves on the ground when no one is looking. 
These are some of my favorite things.....

Me staring at Big Ben. (Can you find me? Lol)

I walk to the church everyday and I love turning this corner onto Inmans Row and seeing this view!

I love my time with the fam. And I hate half term. Four of them are missing! So looking forward to Sunday when we are all back together!

Our pub The Horse and Well. 

Us hanging out inside the pub. I'm back to tea. (Sorry Ben and Moritz)

It is a tradition to have a Sunday Roast. And it's a good one! I love Yorkshire Puddings! 

And I love exploring with my fellow American! 

Friday, October 16, 2015

Stepping out....oi vey!

"Danget God. I'll do it." My response to God probably wasn't the best but it was early in the morning and he interrupted my shower.
My stomach dropped and the usual anxiety or, as a friend back home would call it the "spice of life",came to me. Public speaking has never been an easy thing for me. Usually my mind goes blank, I turn really red and everything goes fuzzy when I am put up on stage. I told myself that I would allow God to challenge me on this discieship course, little did I know that God would actually take me serious.
Last Thursday one of our interns spoke about his testimony and how life with God can be fun. He kept my attention the whole time which never happens. I tend to wander off in my thoughts or zone (sorry I'm just being real, lol). I remember hearing God say your next as I sat on the couch in the youth room. Instantly it got really hot in the room and my brain went a wee bit fuzzy.
I decided to ignore that thought and push it aside. That was just me being silly. Or possible ingestion.
 Later that weekend Paul our vicar took me and two other interns to a local church for a special Sunday service. Once a month they have a special speaker come and minister to them. Well it was us this time. At the end of Pauls sermon he had an alter call and we prayed over people. A lady stood out to me in the group and I walked over to her and started praying. She asked me to pray for her leg. A nerve  was pinched and she was going to the doctors later that week for it. I prayed for her and asked how her leg was. She said it was better but not by much. So I asked if I could pray for her one more time. As I prayed for her I told her about the time I was healed from a disease when I was 15 to encourage her and than prayed one last time. We hugged and we went back to our seats. After we sang the last song and church had ended she walked up to me with a huge smile. She hugged me and said the pain was gone. 
All I could say was "God is good!" 
That was the first time I had ever prayed for some one and seen that out come. I kind of freaked out inside. 
That next morning I heard God say "do it" during our weekly Monday morning meeting. I didn't have to ask "do what?" I knew what God wanted me to do. I turned to my youth leader and asked if I could speak on Thursdays youth session.
I am so glad I listened to God. I spoke last night and it went so much better than I had planned. And it left me wanting more. 

 The four of us on our way to the church on Sunday (Paul and Nicole in front and Elena and I in the back)

The amazing praise team for Thursday youth group.

And a picture Cat took for me speaking to the youth. (Thank you Cat!)

And a shout out to Cindy Fincher for showing me the way to young teens hearts.... Through their tummy. 

Monday, October 5, 2015

When in Rome...or England

I watched the amber liquid fill into my cup and the foam spill over the side of the glass just like in the movies. The bar tender sat two glasses of Stella Artios on the counter as Ben paid. After he thanked the man the glass was set before me. I looked at the glass and then to Ben. I was about to taste my first beer in a pub. I think I had shock both Ben and Moritz (two of the other interns one from Sweden the other from Germany) when I had told them I had never tried beer before. I had tried a sip of a couple different wines even of port and scotch.
So both of them were eager to have me try a drink they enjoy. This would be a bit of a change from the tea I usually order. 
The previous day we had been talking about going to the pub when we got back into town after our Discipleship weekend. It was a weekend of meeting with God and people who were doing the same course in other churches from all over England. At the mention of the pub I said I think I would try beer this time. One thing led to another and, now here I was, trying my first beer. With both Ben and Moritz watching to see what I thought.
I took a sip and realized I hadn't been missing much. Though I liked the foam on the top I wasn't impressed with the flavor. It took me literally 2 hours to finish it. But I did it. 

Oh you know, just chilling in the pub like a local. Lol

Tasting the beer for the first time. 

Thank you Ben for the beer! And helping me cross off my dream of drinking a beer in a pub. (Oh I feel like that sounds odd?)