Monday, September 30, 2013


This last Saturday I had a house full of young ladies. Another time to meet for Dream Girls had arrived and I had something special planned for them... A photo booth. I'm still finding feathers all over my floor from the boas and smooshed brownie in corners of my house. 
These young dreamers are begging to think outside of limitations that others or even themselves have put on them. And they are having fun doing it! 
If I could challenge you like I challenge these young ladies, I want to leave you with these two questions...
Why not you? Who said you can't live your dream?  

Dreams can be hard work and look impossible... but don't we serve a
 God bigger than any obstacle?

"Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will"

"Never give up on what you really want
 to do. The person with
 big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts."
Albert Einstein

"Everyday is a new beginning. Take a deep breath and start again."

"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to
 accomplish it. The time will pass anyway."
Earl Nightingale

"Sometimes I have to remind myself that I don't have to do what
 everyone else is doing."

Friday, September 20, 2013


I carry many titles; Janitor, CI leader, sister, daughter and so many more. But there is one that i absolutely love to have...Auntie. I gained this title almost 7 years ago. Ever since then life has been so much more fun.
Connor James and Olivia Jane have been my buds. I have taught them many things
 and in return I have learned so much
 more. Like, for instance, the Dinosaurs lived in the "Croatian"  period and
 more sparkles the better. (Ill let you decided which
 kid taught me what.)
I taught them that during our tea parties we speak
with an English accent and drink with our pinkies out. Its the proper way. 
When they ask to snuggle or play, it starts like this....

And ends up like this.....
              With Olivia yelling "Connor!"
Through tears and laughter life is an adventure with these two, the Princess and the Paleontologist/ weather man. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

When I grow up

Ever since day one I have looked up to my sister. With my moms help in the beginning,

I knew from the start we would be the bestest of friends
 (I'm the creepy baby watching my sister)
 She would do one thing and I would follow....

flour on the face...check...done and done.

Pose cute....

Nailed it! I even added a stick for affect. lol

To my sister who turned 30 years old yesterday, I love you and will always continue looking up to you! You have turned out to be not just my older sister but my best friend. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Dream Journal

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."
-Walt Disney

I came across a brilliant idea around two years ago, The Dream Journal. I loved it so much that i started a CI Group (small group) for Jr. High and High school girls in my church. We meet once a month at my home and eat yummy food, watch movies and work in our dream journals.

"Dare to dream big dreams. For those are the dreams that have the power
 to push your whole world forward."
-Ralph Marston 

Ever since i started mine, i have found myself more focused on my dreams and accomplishing them. Its so fun to cross off my dreams when i have completed them.
Ever since i started this group i have had a good amout of pople ask me how to do it. So i thought i would blog a "How to do a Dream Journal".
Really, there is no right or wrong way to do this. It is your journal and your dreams/vision for your life.
With mine, I write my dream down, say to go to Paris and see the Eiffel Tower, and find a pic in a magazine and add it to the dream. It makes it feel more real. To be able to see the dream and be reminded of it. You don't loose focus if you have it in front of you. And dreams can be many things; who you want to be, travel, job, things you always wanted to try, ect. And no matter how big or small the dream seems, it is important .I have also added quotes and scriptures to it just to add a little more encouragement to myself.
Here are some examples of how I did mine, but make it your own. 

"Build your own dreams, or someone will hire you to build theirs."
-Farrah Gray

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Transformation Tuesday

We all reflect back on our life at some point. I turned 26 years old yesterday and thought it was time. As I look back on my life...this comes to mind....

As painfully awkward this can be, all I can do is laugh and than think well at least it could be worse. Than this comes to mind...
Oi vey, please excuse my fashion sense, it was the nineties and my mom picked this out. (The itchiest dress ever. Even as i uploaded this pic I itch.)
We all have those embarressing moments that we wish to never bring back to memory. Wether it is a horrible fashion sense, clumsy moments, things we wished we never said or done, ect.
But those are the things that help us become a better person. Trial and error. Like for instance, I learned to not trust my mom for picking out a dress for me... though she has redeemed herself as of late. Or don't smile to big because it shows your triple chin.
But there is one thing to comfort you as we live this adventure called life. We all have embarressing moments.... (he he he).....

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Dream Come True

I believe in living your dreams. "Whoever said life sucks, get use to it" or "Life doesn't get any better" apparently needs to got to Disneyland and find their inner child. I for one, believe that life, though may get tough at times, is suppose to be fun. Sure long lines that seem to never get shorter may come, but that is just part of the experience. "Waiting time (or as I, an optimist would like to say 'preparation time') is not wasted time."
For almost five years I have had a dream. To be an Auntie (volunteer chaperone) with The African Children's Choir. This organization travels all over to raise money for children to have a better future in Africa. 
They came to my church 10 years ago and I loved it. I think that is when my love for Africa started. They returned almost 5 years ago and I knew I wanted to be apart of this amazing organization. Though I had (still have) a car loan and a school loan that put my dream on hold. And lets be real... I was real immature at that time (I'm a little better now) lol. 
Since then I have worked my tail off and feel that it is time to go. I sent in my application, passed the interview and made it to the Welcome Weekend. A couple weeks later I got a phone call while i was shampooing carpets at work to say that I had passed! WOOOO!
I start on Choir 41 touring the west half of the US and Canada...possible the UK! I leave in January of 20014. 
So to the people who have lost hope in life and living your dreams, take a deep breath, brush the dust off yourself and begin to dream again. You are not meant to live on this earth for nothing. To just be miserable. How sucky would that be. Have hope. 
Even though I still have to fund raise like crazy and sell my car to finish off the car payment, I shall stay positive. God is bigger than any obstacle we face.