Thursday, October 31, 2013

Spice of life

Nerves, jitters, acid reflex or as a good friend of my family would say "the spice of life" has been a huge factor for my week. Butterflies seem to be not only existing in my tummy but havin a flat out party! Today I got to meet some of the aunties and uncles for choir 41. I enjoyed the half hour meeting that turned into a two hour meeting. They come from all over the world! Africa, UK and USA!
As we talked online I had the realization that this was actually happening and this dream that I have thought about continuously for 5 years was actually finally happening! It's no longer "someday" but now it is "in two months-ish!"  Excuse me please as I squeal like a little school girl. Ha ha! 

Though I was full of many emotions that started from super excited to extremely nervous it was a blast. This was one of the nervous moments this morning before the meeting ! But the nerves have finally faded and it's all rays of sunshine... Though outside is raining (literally).

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Once apon a Halloween night

Since Halloween is in two days I thought I would share a story of one of my experiences with Halloween. It all started at the Harvest Party I worked at about 6 years ago. I was apart of a team of 8 or 10 janitors and we were busy cleaning offices and classrooms while the Harvest Party was bustling on the main floor of the church. As we cleaned I was ordered to go down to the basement floor and clean the grade school classrooms. So I excepted my orders and walked to the stairs that led down to the classrooms. I should have heard the scary music escalating in my head... It would sound like the Jaws theme song. 
I walked down the stairs and when I got to the bottom ( I was focused on my footing, I trip a lot) I looked up and It was as if Jaws had finally struck and I was a gonner. There standing before me in their own little world was a young high school couple making out quite passionately. Instantly I turn red and look down. 
My mind went blank and I was frozen stiff of pure embarrassment for me... not for them. I finally came back to myself and just walked away and entered into the janitor closet just around the corner. Chicken? Yes I am. I stared at the wall of cleaner and paper supply, trying to calm my nerves. I had to go back out and break it up... Why me!? 
I took a rugged deep breath and straightened my shirt "I can do this, I'm the adult!" I stepped slowly out of my safety zone and walked slowly around the corner and to the young couple. As I saw them there still... Uh... I cleared my throat sheepishly. They looked over at me and I felt all shades of red cover me. All I could muster out was "I think you need to go back to the harvest party." 
They looked at me as if I was an ignorant child and walked up the stairs to join in the festivities. 
I quickly retreated back to the janitor closet in desperate need of a paper bag to help me breath. 

Ya'll be safe out there! And please spare the janitor out there. Ha!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Falling for Fall

Fall has to be my favorite season. Crisp mornings, semi-warm afternoons and chilly enough nights to bundle up in a blanket, sweats and drink a warm cup of tea before I go to bed.
Embracing pumpkin patches, corn mazes, apple cider, apple cider donuts, while avoiding the dark maze at all cost ( do to a misfortunate accident last time of getting stuck in a corner of the maze without a flashlight. And then smacking hard, face first into a wall made out of hay). These are just a few things I get to be apart of while being a janitor at my church/the school. 
Once again I was asked to be a chaperone for a school event. Bauman Farms is one of my favorite things to chaperone. It marks the start of my favorite part of the year... Fall than straight on to Christmas season (yay!) 

I always enjoy the kids (even as intersting as some are). They are all so unique and different. Some more hyper than others and carry an energy that I could only wish I had and some are quieter and gentler. Each one I have gotten to know to an extent ( do to it being a small private school). And will continue to enjoy till I leave in January. I have often heard that "the kids are our future." I agree, duh. So to get to know them and talk with them is important. Show them you care and notice them goes far. To compliment them, buy them a candy from the cafeteria lunch ladies, to encourage them is so important. They are our future, legacy. So I consider it an honor to be able to chaperone these events, to do kids church, dream girls and just be a janitor cleaning around them. They have help me get through some stinky, yes stinky situations... Though some may have caused those problems. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Sanitair Engineer

That's me.. The Sanitair Engineer..aka the Janitor. I have been a janitor for 6 years now (1 year in college and 5 at my church) and have seen many things that I wish I could forget. Yet those memories are burned forever in my mind. The smells, sights, and yes... tastes that I wish to never speak of are still in memory.
Though i thought I would never be a janitor and even hesitated to accepting the job, I am so glad I did. The experiences and people I work with have 
definitely help me grow and my gag reflex is so much more stronger now. 
"Flooded toilet? have no fear I am here!" Is a sentence I thought I would never say.
My daily routine consists of vacuuming, cleaning bathrooms, windows, mopping, sweeping, carrying out endless bags of trash and then dealing with the random stuff that comes with the job.
But i do find my ways of entertainment..

Even though Hollywood kills us off first in the movies or makes us the 
creepy bad guy, i am still okay about my job. Stereotype or no stereotype, 
I am the Janitor.

Happy Janitor Appreciation Day!!!!!