It was a matter of life and death. Beads of sweat raced down my forehead as I fought off the attacker. My head was pounding and heart beating faster than ever. I spun my weapon of choice and blocked the pursuer. The force is strong with this one I thought and spun around like so many other Jedi's do before they defeat their adversaries. Dizzy and a little discombobulated I looked up. It felt cold, oh so cold. I looked to my stomach and there was no denying. Dropping my light saber I fell to the ground while cries of victory came from Cat.
-End scene-
While in the office one day Cat and I were planning our next adventure. To the movies! We were off to see Star Wars the next day and full of so much excitement. Disney! Star Wars! While in London! Could life get anymore intense?
As we plotted the next day we were reminded about the light sabers in the children's department. We raced to the door and dug them out. We took our weapon of choice and the war began! And ended sooner than expected do to my lack of skills.
A group of us went out the day the movie came out. Dressed up, carrying light sabers and JarJar Binks head we went in with anticipation!
Ben turning to the dark side, we couldn't save him.
Was suppose to be a Charlie Angels pose, but we kind of lost it. It still works. Lol
Group shot! Nerds at large! And proud of it!
Your friend has great Leia hair.