Monday, October 5, 2015

When in Rome...or England

I watched the amber liquid fill into my cup and the foam spill over the side of the glass just like in the movies. The bar tender sat two glasses of Stella Artios on the counter as Ben paid. After he thanked the man the glass was set before me. I looked at the glass and then to Ben. I was about to taste my first beer in a pub. I think I had shock both Ben and Moritz (two of the other interns one from Sweden the other from Germany) when I had told them I had never tried beer before. I had tried a sip of a couple different wines even of port and scotch.
So both of them were eager to have me try a drink they enjoy. This would be a bit of a change from the tea I usually order. 
The previous day we had been talking about going to the pub when we got back into town after our Discipleship weekend. It was a weekend of meeting with God and people who were doing the same course in other churches from all over England. At the mention of the pub I said I think I would try beer this time. One thing led to another and, now here I was, trying my first beer. With both Ben and Moritz watching to see what I thought.
I took a sip and realized I hadn't been missing much. Though I liked the foam on the top I wasn't impressed with the flavor. It took me literally 2 hours to finish it. But I did it. 

Oh you know, just chilling in the pub like a local. Lol

Tasting the beer for the first time. 

Thank you Ben for the beer! And helping me cross off my dream of drinking a beer in a pub. (Oh I feel like that sounds odd?)


  1. You haven't lived a full life until you have had at least one beer in an English pub Mel.
    Personally I miss the fish and chips...

  2. Lol, you crack me up. Different dreams for different people. You tell Ben and Moritz I'm keeping tabs on them.
