Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Transformation Tuesday

We all reflect back on our life at some point. I turned 26 years old yesterday and thought it was time. As I look back on my life...this comes to mind....

As painfully awkward this can be, all I can do is laugh and than think well at least it could be worse. Than this comes to mind...
Oi vey, please excuse my fashion sense, it was the nineties and my mom picked this out. (The itchiest dress ever. Even as i uploaded this pic I itch.)
We all have those embarressing moments that we wish to never bring back to memory. Wether it is a horrible fashion sense, clumsy moments, things we wished we never said or done, ect.
But those are the things that help us become a better person. Trial and error. Like for instance, I learned to not trust my mom for picking out a dress for me... though she has redeemed herself as of late. Or don't smile to big because it shows your triple chin.
But there is one thing to comfort you as we live this adventure called life. We all have embarressing moments.... (he he he).....

1 comment:

  1. Mel, what comes to mind after knowing you for such a long time is... Loving,kind,a friend I could trust my ut most feelings with. Ok , then come some of your awkward moments. I just love every part of who you are.
