Wednesday, December 11, 2013


"You don't have to figure out how it will happen, all you have to do is believe."

December has shown up and has been speeding by faster than I can say my name. This seems to be the month of goodbyes...emotional, snot filled, blurry eyed goodbyes. I cannot remember a time that I have cried as much. I lay in bed and think, how is this really happening? Mind blown, tears streaming down my face and unable to find a good enough way to thank people. Nothing seems enough.

As of tonight, I have already completed my last Wednesday Night Kids Church and Sunday morning kids church,and moms notes babysitting. By the end of this coming weekend I will have cleaned after my last basketball game/tournament and door greeting at church. Things keep checking off the list and it feels surreal. I have spent many hours dreaming of this. Finally joining the African Children's choir, saying goodbye and moving on. But it has been so hard saying those goodbyes.
I was surprised by Pastor Cheri when she made an announcement with Levi that the kids church had saved up money for me. As I went up and hugged both of them, all the other kids ran up to hug me.  I have gotten to know each of them and love them. And have loved getting to know Pastor Tom and Cheri. They aren't just my  pastor when I was a kid attending kids church, but also great friends. I am truly blessed by them and the hard work they have put into the ministry.

 (My African Children's Choir page in my Dream Journal)

 I have so many quotes on following after your dreams and doing something with life. So many dreams in my dream journal that i have pored hours in to staring at them, crying over them and thanking God they would come true. And they are, in time I am able to check them off and put a date next to them. Being able to check off my biggest dream has been emotional, fantastic, amazing, jaw dropping, a testimony... the list could go on.

Again I want to say thank you to everyone for the support they have given me, whether it is money or prayer. I am so grateful and appreciate it all.
And I would like to encourage you to follow after your own dreams.  No matter how big or small or different they seem, they are still your dreams. And that makes them important.
Go get em! And enjoy the pursuit of them! It sure is an adventure!

~Auntie Mel from Choir 41

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Words cannot express how grateful I am and how blown my mind is. I have grown up in the same church since day one of my life.I was practically born in the pew. Not only did my parents raise me but so did the  pastors, elders, leaders, school teachers and every one else in the church. I love my church and the older I get the more I realised how good I had it while growing up in this generous, spirit filled, crazy, loving church family! I have seen it go through so many changes and shift and it has only gotten better over the years. 
Sundays fundraiser left me speechless. Trying to find the words to express how appreciative and thankful I am is difficult because nothing seems to fit how thankful I really am. I have only felt everyone back me up on joining the African Children's choir since day one of the dream. From the standing ovations and the seed given to me the previous Sunday when I tried to give a speech about the ACC to the actual fundraiser this last Sunday my mouth has been left open...unable to actually process what is happening.
I am so grateful for my church family. There generosity and kindness has not only made me an emotional wreck but extremely grateful that God has placed me in this loving environment. Even as I write this I am tearing up. I have only been encourage to follow after my dreams and I want to do my best and make everyone proud. 
Thank you to everyone who has seeded into me. I am so humbled and grateful for your generosity and support. Thank you for trusting me and believing in me. I will never forget this...for one my love language is gifts and two you have all made a huge impact on me and I would not be the person I am today if it wasn't for you and God of course. lol
Thank you so much!!!!!
Love, hugs & kisses,
                                     Auntie Mel

Doug O Lug flippin patties....

There is always a little time for goofing around!

My saxy beast of a friend supervising the soda!

My family rocks!!! thank you for all your guys' help. I could never have done it by myself!

One stack of pies..... there was a total of 78 pies!!!! and we got more orders!!!

The parents snoozing away afterwards! They soooo deserve that nap!!! day!

Anytime I can hangout with my mom I always welcome it. (especially because the countdown is coming to a close for when I leave). She has become my shopping buddy and one of my bestest friends. Little did we both know of what we were actually getting ourselves in to when we embarked on this adventure....Fundraiser Shopping.
Never doing this before, we took all day friday bargin hunting...always ending up at Costco!
Then Winco, Cash &Carry and Safeway(who donated whip cream for the pies. Thank you Safeway!) My old boss from Safeway even bought 2 pies from me!
Trying to figure out how many pies to make, how many hot dogs and hamburgers to buy was definitely a challenge. Buy enough but not too much to where I'm left with a lot of product. Found some really good sales to make us giggle like little school girls. 
Fridays shopping trip was definitely a high light of the weekend. Roaming the isles of different stores loading up on tons of chips, soda, hamburgers, hotdogs, buns (hehe) and baking goods. People asking us why all the BBQ stuff. Obvious its not summer. Being able to share about the African Children's Choir is always something i love doing.

Thank you so much Marmy for another wonderful adventure and a fun shopping trip! I could have never done it on my own. Even though it was as cold as the North Pole, well maybe not that cold, but you are a trooper! I love you and appreciate you so much!

Friday, November 1, 2013

An adventure of my own

This last summer I had quite the adventure. For the first time in my 26 years I finally got to travel by myself. It wasn't very far, but a great warm up for the near future.

I traveled by train to Bellingham, WA. First, I must say traveling by train is the way to go! Comfortable and able to walk around and meet new people sitting around me or in the lounge. 
On the way up to Bellingham I had a slight "lay over" in Seattle ( first time ever in Seattle) then took the Greyhound Buss to Bellingham. Nerves and excitement filled me. I was on my way to hopefully be an Auntie with the African Children's Choir. I was in the last stage of interviews, one more than a dream could possibly come true! 
I made friends with a lady who was on her way to visit her friend in Bellingham.  A travel budy! We talked and I told her what I was up to. And she told me all about her family back home and her friend that lived in Bellingham.
When we arrived she wished me luck and we both went on our way. 
I remember as a little girl dreaming about the first time I would travel on my own. No parents, no one familiar, just new and exciting! Find adventure in the great unknown! Meet royalty, or perhaps Prince Charming( that was just a do gooder), discover a lost land (I was always a big dreamer lol).
Who would have known it would be the start of a new adventure, I had no idea about! As I reflect back to that head always in the cloud girl, I can't help but smile! Thankful that I live in a family that always backs me up, will tell me when I'm wrong, encourage me and loves me even though sometimes I am crazy and ridiculous. 
Here's to you Poppy, Marmy, Aimers, Scotchy, Doug o lug, and my minions!
Love you guys! (My minions are at the babysitters in this pic,MIA) lol!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Spice of life

Nerves, jitters, acid reflex or as a good friend of my family would say "the spice of life" has been a huge factor for my week. Butterflies seem to be not only existing in my tummy but havin a flat out party! Today I got to meet some of the aunties and uncles for choir 41. I enjoyed the half hour meeting that turned into a two hour meeting. They come from all over the world! Africa, UK and USA!
As we talked online I had the realization that this was actually happening and this dream that I have thought about continuously for 5 years was actually finally happening! It's no longer "someday" but now it is "in two months-ish!"  Excuse me please as I squeal like a little school girl. Ha ha! 

Though I was full of many emotions that started from super excited to extremely nervous it was a blast. This was one of the nervous moments this morning before the meeting ! But the nerves have finally faded and it's all rays of sunshine... Though outside is raining (literally).

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Once apon a Halloween night

Since Halloween is in two days I thought I would share a story of one of my experiences with Halloween. It all started at the Harvest Party I worked at about 6 years ago. I was apart of a team of 8 or 10 janitors and we were busy cleaning offices and classrooms while the Harvest Party was bustling on the main floor of the church. As we cleaned I was ordered to go down to the basement floor and clean the grade school classrooms. So I excepted my orders and walked to the stairs that led down to the classrooms. I should have heard the scary music escalating in my head... It would sound like the Jaws theme song. 
I walked down the stairs and when I got to the bottom ( I was focused on my footing, I trip a lot) I looked up and It was as if Jaws had finally struck and I was a gonner. There standing before me in their own little world was a young high school couple making out quite passionately. Instantly I turn red and look down. 
My mind went blank and I was frozen stiff of pure embarrassment for me... not for them. I finally came back to myself and just walked away and entered into the janitor closet just around the corner. Chicken? Yes I am. I stared at the wall of cleaner and paper supply, trying to calm my nerves. I had to go back out and break it up... Why me!? 
I took a rugged deep breath and straightened my shirt "I can do this, I'm the adult!" I stepped slowly out of my safety zone and walked slowly around the corner and to the young couple. As I saw them there still... Uh... I cleared my throat sheepishly. They looked over at me and I felt all shades of red cover me. All I could muster out was "I think you need to go back to the harvest party." 
They looked at me as if I was an ignorant child and walked up the stairs to join in the festivities. 
I quickly retreated back to the janitor closet in desperate need of a paper bag to help me breath. 

Ya'll be safe out there! And please spare the janitor out there. Ha!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Falling for Fall

Fall has to be my favorite season. Crisp mornings, semi-warm afternoons and chilly enough nights to bundle up in a blanket, sweats and drink a warm cup of tea before I go to bed.
Embracing pumpkin patches, corn mazes, apple cider, apple cider donuts, while avoiding the dark maze at all cost ( do to a misfortunate accident last time of getting stuck in a corner of the maze without a flashlight. And then smacking hard, face first into a wall made out of hay). These are just a few things I get to be apart of while being a janitor at my church/the school. 
Once again I was asked to be a chaperone for a school event. Bauman Farms is one of my favorite things to chaperone. It marks the start of my favorite part of the year... Fall than straight on to Christmas season (yay!) 

I always enjoy the kids (even as intersting as some are). They are all so unique and different. Some more hyper than others and carry an energy that I could only wish I had and some are quieter and gentler. Each one I have gotten to know to an extent ( do to it being a small private school). And will continue to enjoy till I leave in January. I have often heard that "the kids are our future." I agree, duh. So to get to know them and talk with them is important. Show them you care and notice them goes far. To compliment them, buy them a candy from the cafeteria lunch ladies, to encourage them is so important. They are our future, legacy. So I consider it an honor to be able to chaperone these events, to do kids church, dream girls and just be a janitor cleaning around them. They have help me get through some stinky, yes stinky situations... Though some may have caused those problems. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Sanitair Engineer

That's me.. The Sanitair Engineer..aka the Janitor. I have been a janitor for 6 years now (1 year in college and 5 at my church) and have seen many things that I wish I could forget. Yet those memories are burned forever in my mind. The smells, sights, and yes... tastes that I wish to never speak of are still in memory.
Though i thought I would never be a janitor and even hesitated to accepting the job, I am so glad I did. The experiences and people I work with have 
definitely help me grow and my gag reflex is so much more stronger now. 
"Flooded toilet? have no fear I am here!" Is a sentence I thought I would never say.
My daily routine consists of vacuuming, cleaning bathrooms, windows, mopping, sweeping, carrying out endless bags of trash and then dealing with the random stuff that comes with the job.
But i do find my ways of entertainment..

Even though Hollywood kills us off first in the movies or makes us the 
creepy bad guy, i am still okay about my job. Stereotype or no stereotype, 
I am the Janitor.

Happy Janitor Appreciation Day!!!!!

Monday, September 30, 2013


This last Saturday I had a house full of young ladies. Another time to meet for Dream Girls had arrived and I had something special planned for them... A photo booth. I'm still finding feathers all over my floor from the boas and smooshed brownie in corners of my house. 
These young dreamers are begging to think outside of limitations that others or even themselves have put on them. And they are having fun doing it! 
If I could challenge you like I challenge these young ladies, I want to leave you with these two questions...
Why not you? Who said you can't live your dream?  

Dreams can be hard work and look impossible... but don't we serve a
 God bigger than any obstacle?

"Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will"

"Never give up on what you really want
 to do. The person with
 big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts."
Albert Einstein

"Everyday is a new beginning. Take a deep breath and start again."

"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to
 accomplish it. The time will pass anyway."
Earl Nightingale

"Sometimes I have to remind myself that I don't have to do what
 everyone else is doing."

Friday, September 20, 2013


I carry many titles; Janitor, CI leader, sister, daughter and so many more. But there is one that i absolutely love to have...Auntie. I gained this title almost 7 years ago. Ever since then life has been so much more fun.
Connor James and Olivia Jane have been my buds. I have taught them many things
 and in return I have learned so much
 more. Like, for instance, the Dinosaurs lived in the "Croatian"  period and
 more sparkles the better. (Ill let you decided which
 kid taught me what.)
I taught them that during our tea parties we speak
with an English accent and drink with our pinkies out. Its the proper way. 
When they ask to snuggle or play, it starts like this....

And ends up like this.....
              With Olivia yelling "Connor!"
Through tears and laughter life is an adventure with these two, the Princess and the Paleontologist/ weather man. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

When I grow up

Ever since day one I have looked up to my sister. With my moms help in the beginning,

I knew from the start we would be the bestest of friends
 (I'm the creepy baby watching my sister)
 She would do one thing and I would follow....

flour on the face...check...done and done.

Pose cute....

Nailed it! I even added a stick for affect. lol

To my sister who turned 30 years old yesterday, I love you and will always continue looking up to you! You have turned out to be not just my older sister but my best friend. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Dream Journal

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."
-Walt Disney

I came across a brilliant idea around two years ago, The Dream Journal. I loved it so much that i started a CI Group (small group) for Jr. High and High school girls in my church. We meet once a month at my home and eat yummy food, watch movies and work in our dream journals.

"Dare to dream big dreams. For those are the dreams that have the power
 to push your whole world forward."
-Ralph Marston 

Ever since i started mine, i have found myself more focused on my dreams and accomplishing them. Its so fun to cross off my dreams when i have completed them.
Ever since i started this group i have had a good amout of pople ask me how to do it. So i thought i would blog a "How to do a Dream Journal".
Really, there is no right or wrong way to do this. It is your journal and your dreams/vision for your life.
With mine, I write my dream down, say to go to Paris and see the Eiffel Tower, and find a pic in a magazine and add it to the dream. It makes it feel more real. To be able to see the dream and be reminded of it. You don't loose focus if you have it in front of you. And dreams can be many things; who you want to be, travel, job, things you always wanted to try, ect. And no matter how big or small the dream seems, it is important .I have also added quotes and scriptures to it just to add a little more encouragement to myself.
Here are some examples of how I did mine, but make it your own. 

"Build your own dreams, or someone will hire you to build theirs."
-Farrah Gray

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Transformation Tuesday

We all reflect back on our life at some point. I turned 26 years old yesterday and thought it was time. As I look back on my life...this comes to mind....

As painfully awkward this can be, all I can do is laugh and than think well at least it could be worse. Than this comes to mind...
Oi vey, please excuse my fashion sense, it was the nineties and my mom picked this out. (The itchiest dress ever. Even as i uploaded this pic I itch.)
We all have those embarressing moments that we wish to never bring back to memory. Wether it is a horrible fashion sense, clumsy moments, things we wished we never said or done, ect.
But those are the things that help us become a better person. Trial and error. Like for instance, I learned to not trust my mom for picking out a dress for me... though she has redeemed herself as of late. Or don't smile to big because it shows your triple chin.
But there is one thing to comfort you as we live this adventure called life. We all have embarressing moments.... (he he he).....

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Dream Come True

I believe in living your dreams. "Whoever said life sucks, get use to it" or "Life doesn't get any better" apparently needs to got to Disneyland and find their inner child. I for one, believe that life, though may get tough at times, is suppose to be fun. Sure long lines that seem to never get shorter may come, but that is just part of the experience. "Waiting time (or as I, an optimist would like to say 'preparation time') is not wasted time."
For almost five years I have had a dream. To be an Auntie (volunteer chaperone) with The African Children's Choir. This organization travels all over to raise money for children to have a better future in Africa. 
They came to my church 10 years ago and I loved it. I think that is when my love for Africa started. They returned almost 5 years ago and I knew I wanted to be apart of this amazing organization. Though I had (still have) a car loan and a school loan that put my dream on hold. And lets be real... I was real immature at that time (I'm a little better now) lol. 
Since then I have worked my tail off and feel that it is time to go. I sent in my application, passed the interview and made it to the Welcome Weekend. A couple weeks later I got a phone call while i was shampooing carpets at work to say that I had passed! WOOOO!
I start on Choir 41 touring the west half of the US and Canada...possible the UK! I leave in January of 20014. 
So to the people who have lost hope in life and living your dreams, take a deep breath, brush the dust off yourself and begin to dream again. You are not meant to live on this earth for nothing. To just be miserable. How sucky would that be. Have hope. 
Even though I still have to fund raise like crazy and sell my car to finish off the car payment, I shall stay positive. God is bigger than any obstacle we face.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Just a Taste of who I am

Disney, Africa, Travel, Hairspray, Adventurer, Gerard Butler... these are just a few things out of a lot of things that make me, me. 
I was born and raised in a small country town and still get lost finding my way around. Give me a landmark, not a street name, and I'll find my way.(Driving in itself is still a challenge for me.)
I've been a janitor or a "Sanitaire Engineer" for almost 6 years, and that is where the nickname "Cinderella" came from.
One of my life's ambitions is to become a Jack of all Trades like my father. The man is a beast and can do anything under the sun.
I am a Monty Python Search for the Holy Grail Junkie, and I believe that swallows can grip coconuts by the husks and that one day King Author will indeed find the Holy Grail. (If you have no idea what i am talking about, go watch the movie).
My grammar and spelling is awful, so please do not judge me too harshly in this blog.  I do use spell check, but even then, i think it gives up on me. 
I dream of Africa on a basis. I hope to someday step foot on to African soil. 
I am a devoted journaler and i will get into that a wee bit later. 
So just as a recap... I love Gerard Butler, Watch the best movie ever, i am a bad speller and grammar person, Africa is the Bomb-digity, and i am random. 
And that is just a taste of who I am.